Columbia JVBC 2019-2020 Season

There is a lot on uncertainty about how the Evergreen Region of USA Volleyball intends to put together the upcoming season. Columbia JVBC is waiting to find out many details just like everyone else. Here are a few things we CAN say about what will happen:

  • Columbia won't participate in practice or tournaments for High School age players during a Spring High School volleyball season. We won't create a conflict for players with their high school teams.
  • Columbia won't participate in practices or tournaments that we don't feel are safe for our players and families.
  • Columbia WILL endeavour to make this season instructive and fun for our players, no matter how the season is structured.
  • Columbia is a college-prep program and will continue to expect student athletes to demonstrate 3.0 or higher gpa during our season.

We will continue to post updates as we get more information.