Please! Remember the following rules for behavior around our practices:
- Park only in designated parking spaces. DO NOT park in the bus loading zone. This is not ok even if you see someone else from another event doing exactly that.
- DO NOT enter the gym until a Columbia coach gives the ok at the start of practice. We are often following school teams and we need to respect their time in the gym. (Even if the gym appears empty, wait for a Columbia coach to give the ok... until then, wait in the hallway.)
- We always welcome parents at our practices. Please let your child be in charge of their own practice time. Let them work with our coaches without worrying about your approval, and let them learn to take charge of their experience. We support your coaching of your children through everything else in their life, but practices and matches belong to them and their team.
- Let your team coach know if you would like to help in any way. We're a volunteer organization.